In biology there is an awakening tendency to inquire beyond the definitions which mechanism and vitalism have given for 'life' and 'organism,' and to define anew the kind of Being which belongs to the living as such
Martin Heidegger
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. William Blake (1757-1827)
In biology there is an awakening tendency to inquire beyond the definitions which mechanism and vitalism have given for 'life' and 'organism,' and to define anew the kind of Being which belongs to the living as such
Martin Heidegger
Achieving similar root microbiota composition in neighbouring plants through airborne signalling
Kong et al., 2021
The ability to recognize and respond to environmental signals is essential for plants. In response to environmental changes, the status of a plant is transmitted to other plants in the form of signals such as volatiles. Root-associated bacteria trigger the release of plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, the impact of VOCs on the rhizosphere microbial community of neighbouring plants is not well understood. Here, we investigated the effect of VOCs on the rhizosphere microbial community of tomato plants inoculated with a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain GB03 and that of their neighbouring plants. Interestingly, high similarity (up to 69%) was detected in the rhizosphere microbial communities of the inoculated and neighbouring plants. Leaves of the tomato plant treated with strain GB03-released β-caryophyllene as a signature VOC, which elicited the release of a large amount of salicylic acid (SA) in the root exudates of a neighbouring tomato seedling. The exposure of tomato leaves to β-caryophyllene resulted in the secretion of SA from the root. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the composition of the rhizosphere microbiota in surrounding plants is synchronized through aerial signals from plants.
The reaction of surrounding plants that have undergone volatile signalling changes in the composition of SA in plant root secretions, affecting microorganisms and stimulating specific microbial dominance, similar to the microbial community of emitter plants.
Survival of the Systems
Lenton et al., 2021
Recent theoretical progress highlights that natural selection can occur based solely on differential persistence of biological entities, without the need for conventional replication.
This calls for a reconsideration of how ecosystems and social (-ecological) systems can evolve, based on identifying system-level properties that affect their persistence.
Feedback cycles have irreducible properties arising from the interactions of unrelated components, and are critical to determining ecosystem and social system persistence.
Self-perpetuating feedbacks involving the acquisition and recycling of resources, alteration of local environmental conditions, and amplification of disturbance factors, enhance ecosystem and social system spread and persistence.
Cycles built from the by-products of traits, naturally selected at lower levels, avoid conflict between levels and types of selection.
Since Darwin, individuals and more recently genes, have been the focus of evolutionary thinking. The idea that selection operates on nonreproducing, higher-level systems including ecosystems or societies, has met with scepticism. But research emphasising that natural selection can be based solely on differential persistence invites reconsideration of their evolution. Self-perpetuating feedback cycles involving biotic as well as abiotic components are critical to determining persistence. Evolution of autocatalytic networks of molecules is well studied, but the principles hold for any ‘self-perpetuating’ system. Ecosystem examples include coral reefs, rainforests, and savannahs. Societal examples include agricultural systems, dominant belief systems, and economies. Persistence-based selection of feedbacks can help us understand how ecological and societal systems survive or fail in a changing world.
What we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning
Werner Heisenberg
Genetic correlations and ecological networks shape coevolving mutualisms
Assis et al., 2020
Ecological interactions shape the evolution of multiple species traits
in populations. These traits are often linked to each other through
genetic correlations, affecting how each trait evolves through selection
imposed by interacting partners. Here, we integrate quantitative
genetics, coevolutionary theory and network science to explore how trait
correlations affect the coevolution of mutualistic species not only in
pairs of species but also in species‐rich networks across space. We show
that genetic correlations may determine the pace of coevolutionary
change, affect species abundances and fuel divergence among populations
of the same species. However, this trait divergence promoted by genetic
correlations is partially buffered by the nested structure of
species‐rich mutualisms. Our study, therefore, highlights how
coevolution and its ecological consequences may result from conflicting
processes at different levels of organisation, ranging from genes to
Limits and constraints to crop domestication
Markus G. Stetter, 2020
The domestication of plants and animals was one of the most significant changes in human history. A managed cultivation of crops allowed a sedentary lifestyle and the division of work, which freed capacities to develop modern societies.
The change from a wild plant to a crop required substantial morphological and physiological adaptation. Crops with similar uses display similar trait changes, which are summarized in the domestication syndrome (Hammer, 1984). For grain crops, loss of seed shattering, increased seed size, and loss of seed dormancy are major domestication traits (Fig. 1). Crops that combine most domestication traits and consequently are well adapted to agroecological environments can be considered fully domesticated, while those that only display a few crop traits may be considered as incompletely domesticated. Although hundreds of grain crops have been cultivated by humans for millennia, most plants show only few of the domestication traits rather than the full syndrome (Meyer et al., 2012). Consequently, only a small fraction of the over 2000 crops that we know today are fully domesticated. Even crops that were of high importance for early cultures display only a minor fraction of the domestication syndrome. Studying the signals of incomplete crop domestication in minor crops could reveal the limits and constraints of crop selection and unlock the potential of novel crops for sustainable food production.
Here, I review the evidence of potential genetic limits and constraints that altered the path of crop domestication. I present potential genetic features that might have favored the rapid full domestication of certain plant species and hindered the complete domestication of others. My examples and conclusions are mostly based on annual grain crops because their domestication syndrome is well defined and overlapping. Yet, most of the concepts also hold true for tuber, root, fruit, and vegetable crops, although more domestication traits are based on human preferences (i.e., flavor and color) for these crops.
Paths to full domestication. The genetic makeup of the ancestors of major crops allowed them to progress straight on the path to domestication. Other plant species had to take detours on the path and are consequently less domesticated today. The detours taken differ among crops, and constraints are not independent. The order and number of detours are specific to each crop.
Agricultural land use disrupts biodiversity mediation of virus infections in wild plant populations
Hanna Susi and Anna‐Liisa Laine
Conuco: Fruto del árbol Kalivirnae
Diego Griffon, 2020
El conuco es, sin lugar a dudas, el sistema de agricultura familiar ancestral más importante de Venezuela. Este puede ser caracterizado, en términos ecológicos, como un sistema de agricultura de perturbación y sucesión, es decir, un sistema que se origina en la perturbación parcial de un ecosistema (típicamente un bosque), en el que luego se obtienen cosechas variadas a partir de cada uno de los arreglos de especies que se dan a lo largo de la sucesión ecológica —antrópicamente intervenida— hasta alcanzar de nuevo un estado similar al original (preperturbación). Es importante hacer esta definición, porque erróneamente se ha circunscrito el conuco a los primeros años de los sistemas denominados de roza-tumba-quema. Esto es, como se mostrará más adelante, en primer lugar, una profunda subestimación de la complejidad del sistema, y en segundo, una evidente manifestación de desdén y menosprecio por esta forma particular de agricultura. También hay que mencionar que existen conucos que no se corresponden con esta definición, sistemas más simples (i.e., no incluyen la sucesión ecológica), que no son el objeto central de estudio en este trabajo.
Uniendo los Puntos:
Diego Griffon Briceño
Doctor en Ecología, Magíster en Entomología e Ingeniero Agrónomo. Consultor en modelaje matemático, simulación de procesos ecológicos, análisis de datos y aprendizaje estadístico en agroecosistemas. Profesor en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (cátedras Ecología de Poblaciones y Evolución) e investigador en las áreas de Ecología Teórica, Ecología Matemática y Agroecología.
Correo: diego.griffon@ciens.ucv.ve
Este blog tiene por objetivo la discusión de temas relacionados con Agroecología, Ecología social y Biocomplejidad.
Interacciones en la Agroecología
Número especial de la revista Acta Biologica Venezuelica
La Reina Roja
Reflexiones sobre el estado actual de la agricultura
"None of the human faculties should be excluded from scientific activity. The depths of intuition, a sure awareness of the present, mathematical profundity, physical exactitude, the heights of creative reason and sharpness of understanding, together with a versatile and ardent imagination and a loving delight in the world of the senses, they are all essential for a lively and productive apprehension of the moment."
J. W. Goethe (1749 - 1832)
No es una mercancía from Diego Griffon on Vimeo.
Si me vas a pegar no me grites
Película experimental en la cual se explora la conexión existente entre el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico actual y el surgimiento de formas particulares de relación del ser humano con el resto de la naturaleza. La película está construida como un collage, en el cual la visión crítica de la ecología social sirve de hilo conductor. En ella se utiliza a la agricultura para mostrar como el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico determina la materialización de tipos particulares de relaciones sociales, a la par que conduce a formas específicas de comprender y vincularse con la naturaleza. En la película también se muestra que existen alternativas a la lógica dominante, alternativas que actualmente coexisten en resistencia, luchando por sobrevivir.
.....Omnibus Dubitandum
La orquídea de noche esconde
en su perfume
el blanco de su flor.
Yosa Buson (1716-1783)
Ecology has been eminently a descriptive science despite some pioneering work by theoreticians such as Lotka, Volterra, Nicholson, and others. Description is a first step toward understanding a system. However, such a first step needs to be accompanied by the development of a theoretical framework in order to achieve real insight and, whenever possible, predictive power.
Ricard V. Solé and Jordi Bascompte, 2006 (Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems).
"Toda pregunta es siempre más que una pregunta, está probando una carencia, una ansiedad por llenar un hueco intelectual o psicológico, y hay muchas veces en que el hecho de encontrar una respuesta es menos importante que haber sido capaz de vivir a fondo la pregunta, de avanzar ansiosamente por las pistas que tiende a abrir en nosotros"
Julio Cortázar. Desafíos.