viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021


I am tempted to give one more instance showing how plants and animals, most remote in the scale of nature, are bound together by a web of complex relations.

Darwin, Charles. 1860. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. Chapter 3, p. 75



lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021

Plant defence to sequential attack is adapted to prevalent herbivores  

Mertens tal., 2021

Plants have evolved plastic defence strategies to deal with the uncertainty of when, by which species and in which order attack by herbivores will take place. However, the responses to current herbivore attack may come with a cost of compromising resistance to other, later arriving herbivores. Due to antagonistic cross-talk between physiological regulation of plant resistance to phloem-feeding and leaf-chewing herbivores, the feeding guild of the initial herbivore is considered to be the primary factor determining whether resistance to subsequent attack is compromised. We show that, by investigating 90 pairwise insect–herbivore interactions among ten different herbivore species, resistance of the annual plant Brassica nigra to a later arriving herbivore species is not explained by feeding guild of the initial attacker. Instead, the prevalence of herbivore species that arrive on induced plants as approximated by three years of season-long insect community assessments in the field explained cross-resistance. Plants maintained resistance to prevalent herbivores in common patterns of herbivore arrival and compromises in resistance especially occurred for rare patterns of herbivore attack. We conclude that plants tailor induced defence strategies to deal with common patterns of sequential herbivore attack and anticipate arrival of the most prevalent herbivores.


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

Much of the food we produce (esp. in temperate regions) goes to livestock and fuel.

Via: @DanBebber

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021



"Un pays qui ne peut pas se nourrir lui-même n'est pas un grand pays.

Charles De Gaulle



miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2021