martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Synchronous crop failures and climate-forced production
Anderson et al., 2019.

Large-scale modes of climate variability can force widespread crop yield anomalies and are therefore often presented as a risk to food security. We quantify how modes of climate variability contribute to crop production variance. We find that the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), tropical Atlantic variability (TAV), and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) together account for 18, 7, and 6% of globally aggregated maize, soybean, and wheat production variability, respectively. The lower fractions of global-scale soybean and wheat production variability result from substantial but offsetting climate-forced production anomalies. All climate modes are important in at least one region studied. In 1983, ENSO, the only mode capable of forcing globally synchronous crop failures, was responsible for the largest synchronous crop failure in the modern historical record. Our results provide the basis for monitoring, and potentially predicting, simultaneous crop failures.

Harvested area of wheat, maize, and soybean with numbered boxes indicating regions for the variance analysis (A). Percent of national or subnational scale variance in each region for wheat (B), soybean (C), and maize (D) explained by the ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation), IOD, TAV, or NAO. The percent values on top of each bar indicate the total variance explained by modes of climate variability (ENSO + TAV + IOD + NAO).


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