miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

A mutualistic interaction between Streptomyces bacteria, strawberry plants and pollinating bees      
Kim et al., 2019.

Microbes can establish mutualistic interactions with plants and insects. Here we track the movement of an endophytic strain of Streptomyces bacteria throughout a managed strawberry ecosystem. We show that a Streptomyces isolate found in the rhizosphere and on flowers protects both the plant and pollinating honeybees from pathogens (phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea and pathogenic bacteria, respectively). The pollinators can transfer the Streptomyces bacteria among flowers and plants, and Streptomyces can move into the plant vascular bundle from the flowers and from the rhizosphere. Our results present a tripartite mutualism between Streptomyces, plant and pollinator partners.

Microbial diversity of strawberry flowers and pollen. a Pyrosequencing of microbes in strawberry flowers (n = 9, 13 independent experiments) and b pollen (n = 2, 9 independent experiments). Taxonomic assignment was conducted at the family level with the Silva database (http://www.arb-silva.de/) and a cutoff of 97% similarity. Flower and pollen samples were collected from November 2013 (0 week) to March 2014 (24 week). Heatmap of hierarchical clustering of bacterial communities by 16S rRNA region. c Flower samples and d pollen samples. Heatmap color (purple to yellow) displayed from low to high abundance of each OTU. e Beta diversity tree (Minkowski distance) of samples with gray mold disease incidence. f Venn diagram of common OTU numbers in flower and pollen samples during the period of low gray mold disease incidence. g Gray mold incidence over a growing season as related to Streptomyces OTU read numbers. Gray mold incidence, bars represent standard error of nine blocks, each block contains 150 plants. Star (*) indicates statistically significant differences between disease incidence and OTU numbers of Streptomyces globisporus NRRL B-2872, which is identical to SP6C4 and SF7B6 by t-test (P value < 0.05). Bars represent standard error. a, b, e, f, g Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

Rain downpours affect survival and development of insect herbivores: the specter of climate change?
Chen et al., 2019.

Changes in the frequency, duration and intensity of rainfall events are among the abiotic effects predicted under anthropogenic global warming. Heavy downpours may profoundly affect the development and survival of small organisms such as insects. Here, we examined direct (physically on the insects) and indirect (plant‐mediated) effects of simulated downpours on the performance of caterpillars of two lepidopteran herbivores (Plutella xylostella and Pieris brassicae) feeding on black mustard (Brassica nigra) plants. Host plants were exposed to different rainfall regimes both before and while caterpillars were feeding on the plants in an attempt to separate direct and indirect (plant‐mediated) effects of rainfall on insect survival and development. In two independent experiments, downpours were simulated as a single long (20 min) or as three short (5 min) daily events. Downpours had a strong negative direct effect on the survival of P. xylostella, but not on that of P. brassicae. Direct effects of downpours consistently increased development time of both herbivore species, whereas effects on body mass depended on herbivore species and downpour frequency. Caterpillar disturbance by rain and recorded microclimatic cooling by 5 °C may explain extended immature development. Indirect, plant‐mediated effects of downpours on the herbivores were generally small, despite the fact that sugar concentrations were reduced and herbivore induction of secondary metabolites (glucosinolates) was enhanced in plants exposed to rain. Changes in the frequency of precipitation events due to climate change may impact the survival and development of insect herbivores differentially. Broader effects of downpours on insects and other arthropods up the food chain could seriously impair and disrupt trophic interactions, ultimately destabilizing communities.


viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Maíz Fresa

Mazorcas de 5 a 8 centímetros, granos de color rojo oscuro. Es utilizado para hacer palomitas y también como ornamento.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Some theoretical notes on agrobiodiversity: spatial heterogeneity and population interactions 
Diego Griffon & Maria-Josefina Hernandez

Ecological interactions are fundamental in ecological pest management, and these interactions form networks. The properties of these networks, where interactions of all possible nature (positive, neutral, negative) coexist, are key for management, but little is known about them. The main reasons for this lack of knowledge are the difficulties in obtaining empirical evidence. These problems may be partially bypassed using a theoretical approach. Here, by means of mathematical models that represent networks of ecological interactions in agroecosystems, we characterize some architectural features that promote the self-regulation of population densities in these networks. The results show that the key features are: spatial heterogeneity and a high proportion of positive interactions.

Biodiversity and spatial heterogeneity strongly benefit agricultural landscapes. Among others, these benefits are related to population regulation of organisms that feed on cultivated plants (Duflot et al. 2015; Fahrig et al. 2011; Letourneau et al. 2011; Rusch et al. 2016, 2010; Tscharntke et al. 2002, 2012; Vandermeer 1989). However, there is a need for further theoretical development to help us understand the processes behind these empirical observations, particularly from a mechanistic point of view. In a very general sense, in the agroecological literature it is proposed that increasing agricultural biodiversity involves an increase in the number of trophic interactions of the ecological community, which in turn promotes the stability of the whole system (Altieri 1983; Altieri and Nicholls 2000, 2004; Nicholls and Altieri 2002). On the other hand, we acknowledge that the ecological evidence concerning the relationship between the number of species (richness) and the number of trophic interactions in natural ecosystems is ambiguous (Hall and Raffaelli 1997) and, that from a theoretical point of view, the relationship between complexity and stability is an issue far from resolved (Allesina and Tang 2015; Bersier 2007; Ings et al. 2009; Namba 2015). However, when it comes to contrasting a monoculture with a multidiverse agroecosystem, these topics may have clearer answers (Griffon and Hernández 2014; Griffon and Rodríguez 2017; Rusch et al. 2016, 2010; Tscharntke et al. 2012).

In a conventional monoculture, the system is explicitly designed and managed to reduce as much as possible the unplanned associated biodiversity(typically by using insecticides, herbicides, etc.). Paradoxically this may contribute(among other things) to the long term establishment of phytophagous organisms in the system, eradicating at the same time their biological controllers (Jonsson et al. 2015; Landis, Wratten, and Gurr 2000; Levins and Vandermeer 1990). In this type of farming system most species are related directly to one (the monoculture) by a victim-exploiter relationship (i.e., predation, parasitism, parasitoidism and herbivory), where the monoculture species (the crop) typically plays the role of the victim. So, the system has a star-like architecture (i.e., many nodes connected to a central hub) with the monoculture in the center (Griffon and Torres-Alruiz 2008), which is a structure that favours the occurrence of pest situations and crops losses (Griffon and Hernández 2014; Griffon and Rodríguez 2017).

Alternatives to the ecological oversimplification of monocultures are companion crops. One of the aims of this cropping strategy is the population regulation of phytophagous and phytopathogenic species by means of ecological interactions (Altieri and Nicholls 2004). The success of this approach not only depends on the occurrence of a more complex trophic web, but also on the occurrence of other ecological interactions (competition, mutualism, amensalism and commensalism) that together make up the ecological network system, i.e., a network consisting of all types of ecological interactions (Ings et al. 2009). We have very little information on the structure of ecological networks (Pocock et al. 2012) and we also lack knowledge on how ecological networks promote the regulation of phytophagous population densities. Given the need of information, coupled with the difficulty and effort involved in achieving it in the field, this paper addresses the issue from a theoretical perspective. In order to do this, we build and numerically evaluate mathematical models that simulate networks of hypothetical ecological interactions associated with agricultural ecosystems. This is done with the objective of finding patterns that can provide guidelines on architectural features associated with self-regulation in populations.

Another related topic must be considered. There is abundant field information that shows the positive effects of spatial heterogeneity (Batáry et al. 2011; Duflot et al. 2015; Fahrig 2013; Fahrig et al. 2011, 2015; Jonsson et al. 2015; Landis, Wratten, and Gurr 2000; Rusch et al. 2016; Tscharntke et al. 2012; Tuck et al. 2014) on the maintenance of associated agricultural biodiversity (sensu Vandermeer and Perfecto 1995; Altieri et al. 2005). In some cases, space heterogeneity may even play a more important role than intra-farm diversity in the regulation of phytophagous population densities (Fahrig et al. 2011, 2015). But surely the two components (intra and inter farm diversity) relate synergistically.

For the spatial heterogeneity to have a positive effect on the internal dynamics of agroecosystems it is necessary, on the one hand, an insidefarm design that attracts biological controllers (e.g., flower strips or beetle banks) (Altieri, Ponti, and Nicholls 2005; Nicholls and Altieri 2002) and on the other, the existence of nearby sources of organisms with enough internal complexity to provide the necessary control agents (Rusch et al. 2016, 2010; Tscharntke et al. 2012).

So, metapopulation and metacommunity dynamics seem to be crucial for the long term survival of species in heterogeneous environments (Alfonzo et al. 2009; Aberg et al. 1995; Cantrell, Cosner, and Fagan 1998; Delin and Andren 1999; Griffon, Alfonzo, and Hernandez 2010; Griffon and Hernández 2014; Gustafson and Gardner 1996; Perfecto, Vandermeer, and Wright 2009; Sisk, Haddad, and Ehrlich 1997; Tejat et al. 2002; Vandermeer and Carvajal 2001; Vandermeer and Perfecto 2007). In general terms, the spatial structure of populations, along with processes of dispersal, migration and colonization, allows the emergence of dynamics that make possible the persistence and coexistence of species (Hanski 1994, 1998; Hanski and Gilpin 1997; Hanski et al. 1996; Leibold et al. 2004). Thus, spatial heterogeneity may enhance the configuration of the complex ecological networks needed for a successful ecological pest management program (Batáry et al. 2011; Fahrig et al. 2011; Rusch et al. 2016, 2010; Tejat et al. 2002; Tscharntke et al. 2002, 2012). For this reason, in the mathematical approach used here we also include the effect of spatial heterogeneity on population dynamics.

In short, the objective of this work is to find architectural features that promote the self-regulation of population densities in ecological networks associated to agroecosystems. To do this, we built mathematical models that represent ecological networks, both for a single community and for metacommunitarian systems. We must make clear that whenever we say ‘ecological network’, we are considering the potential presence of ‘all’ types of interactions, i.e., competition, mutualism, victim-exploiter, amensalism and commensalism.

Species survivals. Initial richness, for six different initial conditions (defined in Fig 3). Blue: survival percentage in one community (no spatial heterogeneity). Grey: survival percentage of one community in a metacommunitarian background. The curves are averages of 40 simulations for each initial condition.

Uniform perturbation (example). A persistent network obtained under the 20:10:10:60 initial condition is perturbed by a little increase in the densities of each population. Left: dynamics after the perturbation. Two populations reach very low (but non zero) densities. Right: network before and after the perturbation. Notice that both networks are the same.

The more relevant results of the models evaluated and discussed in this article can be summarized as follows: (i) The conditions under which persistent networks are obtained after the iterative process are very restricted. However, when persistent  networks are obtained, they are fundamentally resilient to perturbations. (ii) Mutualistic (and positive in general) interactions have an important and extensive effect under certain (very specific) conditions. (iii) Spatial heterogeneity increases the possibility of persistence in hypothetical communities. (iv) Ecological interactions that somehow have been neglected in the past (commensalism and amensalism, the forgotten sisters), may be: 1- More frequent than generally thought, and 2- Important for the persistence of communities.


sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

Caterpillar proleg with circle of gripping hooks in red
Photo: Karin Panser

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

O insects
don't you complain too!
this autumn

Issa, 1820

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

La simplicidad es la máxima sofisticación.

Leonardo Da Vinci

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2019

Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe 
Un lugar significativo en la historia de la agricultura según Yuval Noah Harari.

"En 1995, los arqueólogos empezaron a excavar una localidad del sudeste de Turquía llamada Göbekli Tepe. En el estrato más antiguo no descubrieron ninguna señal de una aldea, de casas o de actividades diarias. Sin embargo, encontraron estructuras columnares monumentales decoradas con grabados espectaculares. Cada columna de piedra pesaba hasta 7 toneladas y alcanzaba una altura de 5 metros. En una cantera cercana encontraron una columna a medio cincelar que pesaba 50 toneladas. En total, descubrieron más de 10 estructuras monumentales, la mayor de las cuales medía casi 30 metros.

Los arqueólogos están familiarizados con estas estructuras monumentales de localidades de todo el mundo; el ejemplo más conocido es Stonehenge, en Gran Bretaña. Pero cuando estudiaron Göbekli Tepe descubrieron algo sorprendente. Stonehenge se remonta a 2500 a.C., y fue construido por una sociedad agrícola desarrollada. Las estructuras de Göbekli Tepe están datadas hacia 9500 a.C., y todos los indicios disponibles señalan que fueron construidas por cazadores-recolectores. La comunidad arqueológica no daba crédito a estos hallazgos, pero una prueba tras otra confirmaron la fecha temprana de las estructuras y la sociedad preagrícola de sus constructores. Las capacidades de los antiguos cazadores-recolectores, y la complejidad de sus culturas, parece que fueron mucho más impresionantes de lo que se sospechaba en un principio.

¿Por qué habría de construir estructuras de este tipo una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores? No tenían ningún propósito utilitario evidente. No eran ni mataderos de mamuts ni lugares en los que resguardarse de la lluvia o esconderse de los leones. Esto nos deja con la teoría de que fueron construidas con algún propósito cultural misterioso que los arqueólogos se esfuerzan en descifrar. Fuera lo que fuese, los cazadores-recolectores creyeron que valía la pena dedicarles una enorme cantidad de esfuerzo y de tiempo. La única manera de construir Göbekli Tepe era que miles de cazadores-recolectores pertenecientes a bandas y tribus diferentes cooperaran a lo largo de un período de tiempo prolongado. Solo un sistema religioso o ideológico complejo podía sostener tales empresas.

Göbekli Tepe contenía otro secreto sensacional. Durante muchos años, los genetistas han estado siguiendo la pista del trigo domesticado. Descubrimientos recientes indican que al menos una variante domesticada (el trigo carraón) se originó en las colinas de Karacadag, a unos 30 kilómetros de Göbekli Tepe.

Es difícil que esto sea una coincidencia. Es probable que el centro cultural de Göbekli Tepe estuviera de algún modo relacionado con la domesticación inicial del trigo por la humanidad y de la humanidad por el trigo. Con el fin de dar de comer a las gentes que construyeron y usaron las estructuras monumentales, se necesitaban cantidades de alimento particularmente grandes. Bien pudiera ser que los cazadores-recolectores pasaran de recolectar trigo silvestre a un cultivo intensivo de trigo, no para aumentar sus recursos alimentarios normales, sino más bien para sostener la construcción y el funcionamiento de un templo. En la imagen convencional, los pioneros primero construían una aldea y, cuando esta prosperaba, establecían un templo en el centro de la misma. Pero Göbekli Tepe sugiere que primero pudo haberse construido el templo, y que posteriormente a su alrededor creció una aldea."

Yuval Noah Harari. Sapiens: De animales a dioses: Una breve historia de la humanidad.  https://amzn.to/2Oqd3M2 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Claudia Andujar, a photographer radicated in Brazil, has developed since the 1970's a profound work with Yanomami population, North Brazil. Here we show three photographs of the series "Sonhos", 1976.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

In the Winter Woods Alone 

In winter in the woods alone
Against the trees I go.
I mark a maple for my own
And lay the maple low.

At four o’clock I shoulder axe
And in the afterglow
I link a line of shadowy tracks
Across the tinted snow.

I see for Nature no defeat
In one tree’s overthrow
Or for myself in my retreat
For yet another blow.

Robert Frost