Finally out of reach-
No bondage, no dependency.
How calm the ocean,
Towering the void.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. William Blake (1757-1827)
Finally out of reach-
No bondage, no dependency.
How calm the ocean,
Towering the void.
New Light on the Dawn: a new perspective on the Neolithic Revolution in Southwest Asia
Trevor Watkins
Fingerprints of High-Dimensional Coexistence in Complex Ecosystems
Barbier et al., 2021.
The coexistence of many competing species in an ecological community is a long-standing theoretical and empirical puzzle. Classic approaches in ecology assume that species fitness and interactions in a given environment are mainly driven by a few essential species traits, and coexistence can be explained by trade-offs between these traits. The apparent diversity of species is then summarized by their positions (“ecological niches”) in a low-dimensional trait space. Yet, in a complex community, any particular set of traits and trade-offs is unlikely to encompass the full organization of the community. A diametrically opposite approach assumes that species interactions are disordered, i.e., essentially random, as might arise when many species traits combine in complex ways. This approach is appealing theoretically, and can lead to novel emergent phenomena, fundamentally different from the picture painted by low-dimensional theories. Nonetheless, fully disordered interactions are incompatible with many-species coexistence, and neither disorder nor its dynamical consequences have received direct empirical support so far. Here we ask what happens when random species interactions are minimally constrained by coexistence. We show theoretically that this leads to testable predictions. Species interactions remain highly disordered, yet with a “diffuse” statistical structure: interaction strengths are biased so that successful competitors subtly favor each other, and correlated so that competitors partition their impacts on other species. We provide strong empirical evidence for this pattern, in data from grassland biodiversity experiments that match our predictions quantitatively. This is a first-of-a-kind test of disorder on empirically measured interactions, and unique evidence that species interactions and coexistence emerge from an underlying high-dimensional space of ecological traits. Our findings provide a new null model for inferring interaction networks with minimal prior information and a set of empirical fingerprints that support a statistical physics-inspired approach of complex ecosystems.
Uniendo los Puntos:
Diego Griffon Briceño
Doctor en Ecología, Magíster en Entomología e Ingeniero Agrónomo. Consultor en modelaje matemático, simulación de procesos ecológicos, análisis de datos y aprendizaje estadístico en agroecosistemas. Profesor en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (cátedras Ecología de Poblaciones y Evolución) e investigador en las áreas de Ecología Teórica, Ecología Matemática y Agroecología.
Correo: diego.griffon@ciens.ucv.ve
Este blog tiene por objetivo la discusión de temas relacionados con Agroecología, Ecología social y Biocomplejidad.
Interacciones en la Agroecología
Número especial de la revista Acta Biologica Venezuelica
La Reina Roja
Reflexiones sobre el estado actual de la agricultura
"None of the human faculties should be excluded from scientific activity. The depths of intuition, a sure awareness of the present, mathematical profundity, physical exactitude, the heights of creative reason and sharpness of understanding, together with a versatile and ardent imagination and a loving delight in the world of the senses, they are all essential for a lively and productive apprehension of the moment."
J. W. Goethe (1749 - 1832)
No es una mercancía from Diego Griffon on Vimeo.
Si me vas a pegar no me grites
Película experimental en la cual se explora la conexión existente entre el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico actual y el surgimiento de formas particulares de relación del ser humano con el resto de la naturaleza. La película está construida como un collage, en el cual la visión crítica de la ecología social sirve de hilo conductor. En ella se utiliza a la agricultura para mostrar como el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico determina la materialización de tipos particulares de relaciones sociales, a la par que conduce a formas específicas de comprender y vincularse con la naturaleza. En la película también se muestra que existen alternativas a la lógica dominante, alternativas que actualmente coexisten en resistencia, luchando por sobrevivir.
.....Omnibus Dubitandum
La orquídea de noche esconde
en su perfume
el blanco de su flor.
Yosa Buson (1716-1783)
Ecology has been eminently a descriptive science despite some pioneering work by theoreticians such as Lotka, Volterra, Nicholson, and others. Description is a first step toward understanding a system. However, such a first step needs to be accompanied by the development of a theoretical framework in order to achieve real insight and, whenever possible, predictive power.
Ricard V. Solé and Jordi Bascompte, 2006 (Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems).
"Toda pregunta es siempre más que una pregunta, está probando una carencia, una ansiedad por llenar un hueco intelectual o psicológico, y hay muchas veces en que el hecho de encontrar una respuesta es menos importante que haber sido capaz de vivir a fondo la pregunta, de avanzar ansiosamente por las pistas que tiende a abrir en nosotros"
Julio Cortázar. Desafíos.