Could an Orca Give a TED Talk?
Karen Bakker
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. William Blake (1757-1827)
Could an Orca Give a TED Talk?
Karen Bakker
Landscape structure and farming management interacts to modulate pollination supply and crop production in blueberries
Ramírez-Mejía et al., 2023.
Deployment of beehives in blueberry fields can buffer, but not compensate for the negative effects on honeybee abundance produced by surrounding large scale none-flowering crops. Such compensation would require high-quality beehives by monitoring their health and strength. The contribution of honeybees to crop production is not equal across production metrics. That is, higher abundance of honeybees increases the number of berries produced but at the cost of smaller and more acidic fruits, potentially reducing their market value. Growers must consider this trade-off between fruit quantity and quality when actively managing honeybee abundance.
Power laws in species’ biotic interaction networks can be inferred from co-occurrence data
Galiana et al., 2023
Inferring biotic interactions from species co-occurrence patterns has long intrigued ecologists. Yet recent research revealed that co-occurrences may not reliably represent pairwise biotic interactions. We propose that examining network-level co-occurrence patterns can provide valuable insights into community structure and assembly. Analysing ten bipartite networks of empirically sampled biotic interactions and associated species spatial distribution, we find that approximately 20% of co-occurrences correspond to actual interactions. Moreover, the degree distribution shifts from exponential in co-occurrence networks to power laws in networks of biotic interactions. This shift results from a strong interplay between species’ biotic (their interacting partners) and abiotic (their environmental requirements) niches, and is accurately predicted by considering co-occurrence frequencies. Our work offers a mechanistic understanding of the assembly of ecological communities and suggests simple ways to infer fundamental biotic interaction network characteristics from co-occurrence data.
Nature Beyond the Limits of Human Perception | Doris Mitsch
Uniendo los Puntos:
Diego Griffon Briceño
Doctor en Ecología, Magíster en Entomología e Ingeniero Agrónomo. Consultor en modelaje matemático, simulación de procesos ecológicos, análisis de datos y aprendizaje estadístico en agroecosistemas. Profesor en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (cátedras Ecología de Poblaciones y Evolución) e investigador en las áreas de Ecología Teórica, Ecología Matemática y Agroecología.
Este blog tiene por objetivo la discusión de temas relacionados con Agroecología, Ecología social y Biocomplejidad.
Interacciones en la Agroecología
Número especial de la revista Acta Biologica Venezuelica
La Reina Roja
Reflexiones sobre el estado actual de la agricultura
"None of the human faculties should be excluded from scientific activity. The depths of intuition, a sure awareness of the present, mathematical profundity, physical exactitude, the heights of creative reason and sharpness of understanding, together with a versatile and ardent imagination and a loving delight in the world of the senses, they are all essential for a lively and productive apprehension of the moment."
J. W. Goethe (1749 - 1832)
No es una mercancía from Diego Griffon on Vimeo.
Si me vas a pegar no me grites
Película experimental en la cual se explora la conexión existente entre el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico actual y el surgimiento de formas particulares de relación del ser humano con el resto de la naturaleza. La película está construida como un collage, en el cual la visión crítica de la ecología social sirve de hilo conductor. En ella se utiliza a la agricultura para mostrar como el modelo civilizatorio hegemónico determina la materialización de tipos particulares de relaciones sociales, a la par que conduce a formas específicas de comprender y vincularse con la naturaleza. En la película también se muestra que existen alternativas a la lógica dominante, alternativas que actualmente coexisten en resistencia, luchando por sobrevivir.
.....Omnibus Dubitandum
La orquídea de noche esconde
en su perfume
el blanco de su flor.
Yosa Buson (1716-1783)
Ecology has been eminently a descriptive science despite some pioneering work by theoreticians such as Lotka, Volterra, Nicholson, and others. Description is a first step toward understanding a system. However, such a first step needs to be accompanied by the development of a theoretical framework in order to achieve real insight and, whenever possible, predictive power.
Ricard V. Solé and Jordi Bascompte, 2006 (Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems).
"Toda pregunta es siempre más que una pregunta, está probando una carencia, una ansiedad por llenar un hueco intelectual o psicológico, y hay muchas veces en que el hecho de encontrar una respuesta es menos importante que haber sido capaz de vivir a fondo la pregunta, de avanzar ansiosamente por las pistas que tiende a abrir en nosotros"
Julio Cortázar. Desafíos.